Friday, May 8, 2015

Solstice Scents - my first samples

I decided to take my first plunge into independent perfume with Solstice Scents. I actually decided shortly after my mom's birthday I wanted to get her a present and I had decided to wait until christmas. But.. when I thought about Mother's Day being right around the corner, I added the scent for her to my bag, a scent for gift (or maybe me) and a sample for me. Shipping was reasonable and fast. Don't ask me more details, I have a wee little baby ;)

I must say that Solstice makes incredibly beautiful labels, packaging and art. My order included a free bookmark (not pictured) and some lovely cards. I had one that included descriptions of the scent sieries I had ordered as a gift, and I'm glad I was able to include it. I think that helped make my gift a little classier and not like I was just handing stuff I had laying around. I don't mind when I order for myself, but I have had some persons react ... unfavorable to indie-like products. 

The scents for me! A free sample was included and I request one with great reviews online. Read on to hear what I think about White Fox, Violet Truffle, and Gardenia Enfieurage 2013.

In multiple places I read that this scent is a must have. Used Daily. Loved. 


This scent drives us insane! It's from the woodland collection and is composed of: Vanilla Musk, White Fur, Wood Blend, Snow Laced With Veins of Frozen Dirt 

When I get close, I can smell something nice. However, and this is probably a regional difference from someone who does not live somewhere damp, all I can smell from this sample is mold. Or rot. Or something awful. And I am no where near as bothered as my partner. Seriously, I know where this sample is (sealed) from about three feet away. I've tested by moving it around the house. My nose always finds it. I've also taken to playing games to see how much it annoys my boyfriend. It's a lot. It's so off putting for us that clothes I wore when I first tested the scent days before were left on the couch (a sweater) and the two of us frantically cleaned and cleaned. Until I thought it might be White Fox scent lingering. Even the smell that remains on my skin hours later leaves one or both of us to think we have mold. 

TD;DR Uber glad I got a sample, this does not work for us. 

A full size roll-on of Violet Truffle. I was impressed this not only came in a beautiful box, it was also sealed with plastic wrap. Nicely done, Solstice! However, I really wanted to smell it so it became a present for me rather than a gift. 

On me: I smell the chocolate a first, and then the scent has a soft violet. The boy does not care for this, although it is a less knee-jerk push-away than White Fox. I think it's nice, but I'm not wowed. I'm also worried this might have the same moldy smell lingering. I've been trying it a few times to see. The chocolate/violet smell lasts about three hours on my skin. 

TL;DR It's an odd slightly musky Chocolate and Floral. I think I might like Violet Mallow more.

The sample for me was a totally splurge! It's $9 for 0.25 mL. You read that right, it's $36 per mL. But for a good reason, Gardenia Enfieurage requires thousands upon thousands of gardenia petals to be infused in fat (vegetable source). Each tray takes multiple infusions and the petals must be replaced frequently. It is a very laborious process and this first step mandates a minimum of 6 weeks of dedication during the gardenia blooming season, which occurs mid-April to the beginning of June. The flowers are hand-harvested each morning for maximum potency.  This premium essence is crafted from our 2013 batch of flowers.

I'm really digging this scent (although worried about a musk that us in a desert-like climate are not familiar with, and instinctively dislike). I put about 10 uL into my hair oil, and I'm hoping it's able to stay pretty without reacting with those oils. Honestly, I'm not too sure how to use it, which may be my deciding factor against a fully size bottle. I might try placing in onto of cream to assist the length of the scent, or placing on my clothes where a stain (from the fats) would not be notice (or already exists thank you kidlets). If I do find I can use it everyday, I might order the full size for my Birthday with the intention of panning the bottle,

TL;DR Try this one! Let me know how you use it. 

I'm pleased with my order, and I've learned a very valuable lesson. Always order the samples! I think once I know the style of Solstice Scents I'll be better able to predict what I like. I dodged a bullet by selected the sample of White Fox. Prices seems reasonable ranging from $12-20 for most scents. I did not price compare, but I'm sure the exclusive, labor intensive scents are also reasonable. I have to decide what to do with White Fox - I want to toss it, but I think I'll check in for a couple months to see if the scent mellows or otherwise ages well. 

I would suggest ordering the sample packs, or checking out the newly announced summer line. If the rest of the scent line is as detailed as the art, you will be able to find something amazing for your tastes. 

Seriously, I am not a fan of White Fox.

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