Friday, May 22, 2015

My debt update

Another one bites the dust!

As of the end of the month, I'll be able to pay off my final student loan. :D

It's been 9 years since I graduated from my undergrad and 5 since my graduate degree. I suspect it would have been in better credit rating interest to take a few more months to pay it off, but I think the feeling of finally getting it done is more important.

That means, I'm down to two major debts. A personal loan and a line of credit. I want to get networth zero. I want to start rebuilding. I want to be a great role model. I want to feel the freedom (and pride) of getting myself back. I want to build my emergency funds.

The orders from .. my spending spree are almost done arriving. It's kinda beautiful a bunch of short and long TAT's can make a couple splurging week last months. I think I'll have a few more haul posts, then hopefully I'll get to reviewing and comparing it all. I also hope I'll be able to step up more work out game, and share that too. It's great to go back and read what I thought. It's what I will be relying on as I want to (and need to) cut my subscriptions down. I think I'll be cutting the major boxes but for the one that is prepaid, and I'll decide after June which 1 (maybe 2) indie subscription box I will keep. I think I'll let my quarterly boxes go, and I'll probably decline My Maven until my birthday. It's going to be a time for me to see which products I have and see what I can use up.

After I start getting this weight off via debt, I hope I can lose weight too. I am dying to sort my clothes, but I am not ready to admit this is my true weight. It must be less. I want to be what I weighted before. My plan is then to continue to declutter, aim for minimalism and focus on my wardrobe. More on this later.

My aim assuming I can sell some more clothes, stick to a very lean budget, control my spending impulses (hello much less time on the internet!) is that I pay off 70% of my line of credit before my birthday. Stretch goal? All of it.

Then I'll just have to focus on the last debt before I start gunning for savings.


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