Sunday, June 15, 2014

Personal Finance

One of the many reasons I wanted to start blogging again is because I've fallen in love with several personal finance blogs and I love the inspiration provided, and the accountability to stay on track. I've acquired a bit of debt slowly through student loans, and then via some very unexpected life events, a large debt. A massive, heart crushing, defeating, limiting, swallowing my soul, taking away everything that made me worthwhile, debilitating debt. Or at least that is how it feels most days. I am fairly certain I will get into this in much more detail soon.

I'm very scared to start to put this out there. I originally wanted to host my own blog, but as that wasn't happening and won't be happening for awhile yet, I've turned to a easy to access blog. For reasons of wanting to be personal about my finance, I've chosen to move on from live journal - where family members and friends used to blog and know about mine until I'm ready to tell them. There are so many reasons I've afraid, I feel like I have a lot to lose. I think I might have been dawdling about starting to post about finance as I might move the blog when I have time to host my own, or maybe because I don't know what I want to focus on. I do want one place where I can post a few ideas - some finance, some shopping, some fitness, some child related, some relationship and emotion related.

So please take this as my hello, and know that I'm feeling lost, alone and pathless. I'll be bumbling along trying to find my way, and if you can ignore some of my ironies, let's see where this takes us.


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