Friday, September 12, 2014

Handling setbacks

I can't believe his fast this past month has gone. It was filled with lack of sleep (my daughter has stopped sleeping through the night and I cannot get her down for naps in the day), my summer vacation, lots of doctor appointments, the start of the fall semester and some news I didn't want to hear.

The news pushed me to stay in bed too long, and took away a bit of my hope. Really, it was just the lack of control I had on the situation. I know I can't control when I have baby #2 but hearing that I might be induced at 36 weeks felt (and still feels) way too early. And being told to stop working immediately when several factors including not having a replacement hired, let alone trained nor enough mediocre savings to be a tad comfortable did not help.

Retrospectively rather than moping, I should have started to employe this tactics:

1. Get enough sleep. I am in my third trimester, so this is like chasing the dragon but the 5 hours or less a day I was getting not enough.

2. Eat healthy! This is hard. This will be a fight. The longer you don't eat healthy the harder it is to get back. I may be snacking on Halloween candy now, but dammit I'm still going to try tomorrow.

3. Try not to panic. I've had to mediate some of my expenses and a lot of my plans. I'm feeling incredibly behind and I am not comfortable. At all. But, most importantly breathe. Take some extra time to think. Don't rush, move carefully.

I still need to work on these:

4. Exercise

5. Take time for yourself.

6. Talking it put with someone you trust (or, for me, you wide world of internet strangers).

I'm focusing on that I didn't hear "bad news" just "unexpected news". And you can always deal with the unexpected.

Think positive :)

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