Sunday, July 27, 2014

July Glamour Doll Eyes

Just a quick note on this subscription that I love. I think this might be the splurge I keep (as long as I can keep snagging a subscription!). The shadows are a mother/daughter duo in crystal ball (which I think I'll love) and under the moon (might be too dark for my eye shape and coloring). Bonuses include a candy bracelet, a lip glaze sample from Kiss My Sass and an eye shadow sample from Hello Waffle (Canadian <3). 

I haven't had a chance to try the two eye shadows or the sample, or even eat the candy! But I did try the gloss. It left a lasting stain, smelt like chocolate cake as promised, but didn't taste as yummy as I hoped. I really like bonus months like this, and to me it justifies the increased shipping cost that I'll have to pay when I renew. Oh, until I do snag another this is the worst subscription ever. Don't even try ;)

Friday, July 25, 2014

Does setting a "Debt Free" date work?

Does setting a debt free date work for you? You know, that day in the future when all your debt will be paid off? For me, I"m in so much debt I cant even fathom it. I feel like I owe so many creditors (and I don't compared to many other bloggers I read; I only have 5 plus the 3 savings accounts that used to be flush that I would like to repay to myself), the amounts of me debt are so high, and that there are so many variables to juggle that any debt free date would be complete magical bull-crap.

I used to know this date well. I knew exactly when I would have both my student loans paid off, and my mortgage. I would find it so exciting to calculate how an extra $200 per month on my mortgage would cut years off the total! I would run calculations of how much I needed to save to have $X in my account at x time, or when my mortgage payment would be more principle than interest.

But now a few months into Seriously Seriously getting my debt gone, I feel lost. I thought I was going okay a year ago but I had fallen into the trap of paying one debt with another meaning no real gain on reducing my total debt. Add that I'm about to "lose my job" aka go on maternity leave doesn't help. I know they are completely different, but my pay after October will be coming from the same office/place/rules*/guidelines. I don't get maternity top-up, and I can't quite tell what my income will be. I know I have to wait about a month, maybe more, before I will receive my first EI check. And honestly, when this leave starts depends on how long the baby wants to stay in. I can't control that!

*Main differences I detect being absolutely no work is allowed for the first 17 weeks on maternity, and there is no requirement to be actively looking for a job during the 52 week maternity/parental period. Travel is also acceptable during this period, where it would not be allowed on (regular) EI.

How can I even start to think about a debt free date?

Well, I'm taking the same approach as eating an elephant. I've got the end goal in my mind (debt free), I know I have some obstacles coming up (Maternity leave), and I know I've got some time. So, I'll just take it one bite at a time.

For maternity, my plan (until I know my income/expenses better) is to pay my minimums. Assuming I'm able to work as long as I want, I think I can pay these bills from the $1000 in savings that I will have. Current balance, $175. I'm also going to have an emergency fund (that might end up being used now or later for something like yearly car insurance that my EI budget can't handle) of $750, currently $383. I won't be able to be aggressive, but I *knock on wood* will be keeping up with the minimum payments.

Secondly, I'm focusing on my lowest debt, which has the second highest interest rate (by 0.75%) because I need a foreseeable win. My budget has me putting an extra $600/month on this guy. I calculated what will be left if I make minimum payments until December. I have transferred some of my debt from my line of credit to this loan so on January 1st, 2015, my little student loan will be gone! Hey, look at that, I do have a debt-free date. Might just be for one, but it's close enough to keep me motivated and pushing. My calculations mean this transfer will cost me about $90 in interest, on an account that I might have to dip into if my EI checks don't arrive when I hope, There are numerous reasons why this might not be the wisest financial move right now, but it's one that is keeping me motivated and pushing At this point in my journey, I need that motivation to keep my paycheck percentages to 49-60% debt payments, and to have a win before this year ends. I need this motivated to maintain the minimum payments I have now once I'm on maternity leave, because I don't want my debt to just wait around until I go back to work full-time.

What do you do when your debt (or goals) are so over-whelming the big pictures stresses you out?


I keep finding myself trying to buy a few things, even though I know I don't need them, and I know I don't have the money for them. But all the items together come to less than $100, adding to my struggle that it's okay to get them. But, I still know it's not. I've been checking these things out since Tuesday:

Two head bands from Lululemon:
Mesh Bang Buster Headband in Jewelled Magenta $18
Criss Cross Headband in Wee are from space Jewelled Magenta $14

Please note I have over 30 headbands in assorted sizes including a raspberry glo (also a bright pink) bang buster. But my head keeps shouting "but it's not mesh! The mesh will be so much cooler/practical for running! You must get it!". This is my fourth day of ignoring that voice and staying strong.

I've recently starting taking care of myself, and cleaning out my old make-up. Some of what I recently threw out had been in storage for 2 years and had a couple years life before then. So the Beauty Box 5 Limited Edition Classic Hollywood Mystery Box is tempting me. $39 + $15 shipping to Canada.
You may have noticed, I'm  subscripted to a couple beauty boxes which will do just find to replenish what needs replacement. I don't need this. Even if I feel I'll be missing out on some great value. 

The most ridiculous of all is the desire I've been fighting to buy a(nother) Meme Box even though I have yet to receive any of the three I have already bought. I don't even know if I trust beauty products from Asia, and I might have a minor concern about exposing myself and my family to more radiation than needed. I'm not sure of the environmental effect of these products, I don't want to harm the earth if I can avoid it. The cost of the boxes that are tempting me $23 (or $29) plus $6.99 shipping. 

I don't need these either. But my brain is again screaming "you don't want to miss out! C'mon, it's such a great deal!". My rational side, which has been winning, is pointing out it's not a great deal no matter what I pay if I don't need it, and it might end up as clutter. Paying my debt is waaaaaay more important. 

If these do interest you, can you use coupon code: AFFILIATE-0871-P8WRC-NUYF to save $5 off your order of $100 or more at check out.

I'll be trying to resist. I'm starting to wonder if knowing I don't have the money - this week, these purchased would all be on my credit card or line of credit makes the concept of spending money more abstract. These will add to my debt. I don't know what Lululemon does, but they have brainwashed me to not even consider/mind/be bothered by that fact. I'm programmed to think "Must. Have. Cute. Headband*. Now!). I've waited four days, and I still want them. I know these items will sell-out, and likely soon.  But will it matter if they do and I don't have them on the way? 

Nope. Not at all. 

What would you be doing to keep your strength and your (digital) money in your pocket?

*exchangeable with any Lululemon product.  

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Missing Ingredient July Gourmet Food Box Review

I totally forgot I had another missing ingredient box coming! I prepaid for three months when I was informed the kitchen renovation was "just about done". I'm still trying to get back to what feels like me. I used to love to get the Taste of Home Healthy Cooking magazine, and make 1-2 recipes from the new issue. Well, they don't make it anymore, so I thought I would step it up a notch (as I usually had to buy a few new ingredients to make the new recipes) and try the Missing Ingredient food box to help me feel at home in my new place. This is the last box of my three month subscription. 

The box sat on my counter for a few days until I had time to open it. By then I was sweating that nothing was decomposing in it. Luckily not!

These little guys made the box smell amazing. I love that Well Seasoned included a few "core" items. Last month it was a really delicious rice and lentil mix and yummy cinnamon chips. Can't wait to use them.

Looks like some very high quality cous cous. I'm only beginning to learn how to make/use cous cous and I look forward to test this package out. Maybe with a stir-fry!

Yum! Chipotle sauce!

I really like that Missing Ingredient tries to promote Canadian companies, and provides background information. I have been trying to keep an eye out in my local stores for the ones I've liked. 

A jar of olives. Sarcastic yey! I'm alergic to olives, so I'll just give these away to someone not in my family. 

A recipe for the feature ingredient I'm allergic to.

A second recipe for the ingredient I'm allergic to.

A pot scrubber! I think I need a new one! This is the second box where I've gotten a kitchen item. Last month it was brown sugar softeners (which really do work if you read the directions).

A chef's tip for the kitchen. These appear to be hit or miss. 

The full box.

Overall, I think the missing ingredient is a great box. However, it's a really dumb idea to order during a renovation as I've barely had a chance to use anything. The tools I need are in boxes, and for what felt like forever, I only had a toaster. It's also not in my budget. I remember the month I ordered, it was my entire "grocery" line and I went far too hungry. The ingredients are also so new to me, I had to intentionally look for, find and pay for rare/odd/different ingredients to make the meals adding to my costs. Which are very tight right now. If you have the room to splurge, I'd say go for it! would rather can afford to re-read my old taste of home, healthy cooking for inspiration. And I pick recipes ingredients I can digest. ;)

1 month $56.99
3 months $149.97
6 months $281.94
12 months $515.88

 Speaking of digestion, they also make gluten sensitive boxes. :)  

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

July Pash Scarf Box Review

After receiving this box, I'm sad (and budget-wise happy) that Pash Box has changed their subscription from a monthly Scarf/Sunglasses/Sunglasses and a scarf box to a quarterly accessories box. While I think this will be great for subscribers, you will have to be an American to receive it. No love for us Canadians, yet. Good thing for my budget as the new box is $39.99 plus shipping.

This review feels a bit outdated as the subscription style has changed. The scarf box was about $24 plus $8 shipping. I was going to reward myself within my budget and pick a scarf from a book store I walk past daily for $22, but decided to take a gamble with Pash Box. I believe I was able to save about $6 using a coupon code, making my mystery box very close in price to the scarf I was eye-balling. I'm so glad my risk was rewarded!

This lovely box was waiting on my doorstep yesterday!

Inside were two very pretty infinity scarfs. This one with a nice black/red floral design.

And the second one with a green base and a highlight section in brown. 

A couple of goodies were included - a skinny cow chocolate bar, and an Aloe mask. There was a thank you note with women wearing the scarf a few ways. I think for one of the pictures they must have undid the stitching to make the infinity scarf a "regular" scarf. 

I'm very happy with both scarfs and I think they both go well with my skin tone. They are light weight and will be great for summer. I'll probably wear them, unless I become self-conscious that they are just making my enormous boobs and massive baby bump belly appear larger ;) I will be very tempted by the Pash Box Quarterly subscription once it becomes available to Canada. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

My average clothing cost day

There once was a time where my work-out clothes were only for getting sweaty, and just for getting sweaty. That meant as soon as I was done working out, back they went on my shelf to be worn for the next work out (cutting down on the wear of washing) or to be washed (as who wants to stink?). Some exceptions existed, like going shopping after a yoga class, or walking the dog after a run. But there was no way I was going to wear them other wise* *Exception came into place when I was training myself to get up at 6 am or earlier to run. To limit the number of obstacles to getting out the door, I started sleeping in my run clothes. It worked to help establish the routine which eventually became something I loved.

Somewhere in the middle of my first pregnancy (I'm currently in my second) my Lululemon become casual clothes. Which also allowed me the incorrect privilege of thinking that I could purchase some work out clothes for just lounging. I even had friends promote and encourage this idea! Very strongly.

Today is a perfect example of a daily outfit. I'm pregnant again, and I'm wearing a shirt that I bought last pregnancy with intentions to sell when I was done. I kept it just in case - so can I count some savings here? I have on a No Limit Tank (built in bra) $64, a tunic from Lole ($88), Lululemon panties ($18), and Dance Studio Crops ($88). My shoes are cheap runners from Old Navy ;) . Total cost $258. Before taxes. My guess is this would be the average of what I wear. In the winter with layering, I'm probably over $600 most days. It doesn't take long with a $50 scarf and a $110 hoodie.


I miss the days before debt when I had disposable income. In those times, this didn't seem so ridiculous.

July Julep Maven Review and Promo Code

This was my first Maven box, and I thought I was good as I just stuck to my preset Bombshell box. I totally forgot I added on some extras!

 I like how the Maven boxes seem a bit more special than the usual Julep Boxes.

They are wrapped more pretty inside but does anyone know what to do with these little cardboard packing papers? I tried to give them to my guinea pig, but he doesn't seem to care. I just recycle them, but that still seems like a moderate waste.

For my add-ons, I choose the SPF 30 because I needed a kick-in-the-pants to throw out my 3+ year old sunscreen, and replace it with this one.

The teenager in me also got pulled in by the two Clean Slate products. I ordered a bottle of polish remover, and the pen/wipes combination. I'm sure I had a polish remover pen like this 14 years ago, and I'm sure it didn't work. Maybe products have gotten a lot better since then?

For Nail Polish, I kept the default bombshell picks. Beverly is a beautiful Purple and Lissa is a very pretty teal. It's almost the same colour as my fitbit band!

For choosing three add-ons, I "earned" a free polish duo. My two gifts were a Octavia, a deep blue and Soraphine, which looks like a nice white.

My box also came with the new Body Milk moisturizer, but my computer has eaten the picture of it. It's supposed to smell wonderful!

Also included in Maven boxes (but not Julep purchases) is candy! This month, two tootsie rolls in 4th of July packaging. I'm very glad they didn't melt in our two weeks of Canadian summer heat. 

Here are the backs if you were every curious about the ingredient list of the 5-free polishes.

If you're interested in the temptation that has taken ahold of me called Julep, please use my link. The Maven subscription is 24.99/month or 59.99 for 3 months ($19.99/month). Use code HELLOYOU or FREEBOX for your first box free. I'm very excited for next month, and in a moment of feeling sad, may have tried to order the full polish lover's set. I have a few days to change my mind, but the colors are so lovely.

If you feel like making a purchase, the promo code: PERK1020 is still valid (ends July 31st). Two uses per account, and I was able to use it before becoming a Maven. Save $10 off your purchase of $20 or more.

You can also save 30% on Body Polish or Body Milk with code: GOBARE. Expires July 31st as well.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Fab Fit Fun VIP Summer Edition 2014

I was so excited to see that the Fab Fit Fun VIP boxes are now shipping to Canada, and only for $8! I have really liked spying on the Pop Sugar Boxes but they don't ship to Canada. I like feeling fab, being fit and having fun so ordering this box seemed like a huge win, especially after finding a $10 off discount code (making it like free shipping!). The box is a quarterly box, once per season for $49.99. Scroll to the end to get your own $15 (!!) off coupon code.

Yay! My box arrived, here in Canada!!

I feel so special when boxes arrive all pretty like!

Kisstixx lip balm ($5.99). Apparently this was on the Shark Tank. It's two compatible flavors to make kissing extra tasty. I got chocolate and strawberry. I doubt I'll use this for kissing, but I will use it as chap stick. Also included was a promo code for 25% using KISSME1.

Balanced Guru no frizz oil ($25). I think I have this from Ipsy. I'm not over impressed with how it is on my hair, or how it stained the carpet when I dropped it (but that carpet is already gone) but it does seem to help my daughter's constant bed head baby frizz settle down. I'l be trying to sneak this on her when she lets me. 

The second spoiler for the Sonya Daker flash facial ($95). According to Yelp review this women is absolutely crazy, but really knows her stuff. My boyfriend tried a bit on his face, and his review was that it felt like "burning". Zoya nail polish in a peachy summer colour. This probably won't be used as I'm still swooning for Julep

Snacks!! POPchips in sea salt and vinegar ($1.29)  and SlimFast have your cake meal bar ($1). I used SlimFast once before, and my digestive system didn't like on a daily basis, but this bar looks tempting. The chips were amazing!

My one and only reason to make sure I got this box: Pur-lisse pur-protect SPF 30. At $55 retail, it "paid" to get the box as I was going to buy this on its own.

I don't like this design at all. But apparently these are the cat's pajamas. Thursday Friday mini clutch/make-up bag ($35) plus a couple to save $30 online using code: FAB30.

 There will a couple of promotional add-ons. Always extra protection daily liners ($1.50) and Skintimate shave gel ($1.99). I already use this products, and it's great to have travel sizes.

Grand Total $245.77 (!) *Not shown the immediately eaten POPchips. Yum! There also is a plastic FabFitFun water infuser BPA-free water bottle I'm looking forward to using this with some lemon wedges.

The full box, is a great value for $49.99 plus $8 shipping, or for me $39.99 plus $8 shipping. As long as supplies last, you can get it for $34.99, free US shipping or $8 shipping to Canada with the following discount coupons:

At checkout to SAVE $15 use PROMO CODE :


Each has three uses only, and are only good on the summer box. I would jump on them and get the pur-lisse at a very good price!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Indie Gift Box: July

Surf's up!

I love, love, LOVE this box! I'm going to be so sad when my subscription runs out :(

This month was based on Paradise Found and I noticed the box (now?) ships from Hawaii. I think I might take the pretty surf picture into work to decorate my desk and make it feel a bit more like summer.

The box arrived  in mint condition this time!

The first thing I noticed was the smell of the two soaps. These are from Filthy Farmgirl are are made in Hawaii. Filthy surfer smells quite strong and I think the scent from the smaller Aloha Hula Girl comes from pineapple. I think I like them but I don't know if I'll be able to use them because I have allergies to coconut - a main ingredient. The lip Balm smells sooo good, just like a Bounty candy but as it's named Coconut Smoochie, I probably cant have it either. Value of the soaps $15.

I adore and am not taking off the beautiful starfish hair clip by Ms. Formaldehyde ($9). It did cross my mind that I hope the starfish didn't die exclusively for my hair, but I'm trying to rationalize it's a far better purpose than the starfish that died for my university Biology classes. I love this!

Also included note cards from Erin McManness ($9) and some nail decals from Lacquer by Lisa ($4). These are both nice. I hope I'll be able to put the nail decals on correctly.  

Here is the box in it's full glory. Total value $37, my cost $24.50 plus $12 shipping. Also included was a $5 off coupon to FlipSidez - which I'm going to have to try very hard not to give in to. I would really like to stay on budget. *repeats to self: need to save for the baby on the way*

Beauty Box 5 Limited Edition Summer Days Box

Okay... I gave in and splurged on this box, and crossed my fingers that I would be getting something great for my $39 (plus $15 shipping). Its the Beauty Box 5 Limited Edition Summer Days Box.

I think I did alright.

I felt the summer days box calling to me even though the summer nights box sold out faster.

I love product cards because I'm such a beauty noob I would have no idea what was in them. 

The box upon opening. Looking very promising!

Another sample of Hello, which I'm happy to get. I appear to have lost my first sample, and I like the scent. $55 for 1.7 oz, assume sample size $1. Also include BH Cosmetics sampler (see below), La Fresh Facial Cleaning Wipes ($19.99 for 48, $3.30 for 8) a nail polish from Nubar ($8) that I probably won't use because of the harsh smell and my new but strong love for Julep. 

Unless they made a few collections, I already received this one. I think it came from Ipsy. I've used it once or twice for a quick bit of colour before work. As this is an sample size, I'll assume $1.

Next a few useful products that will be replacing ones that get used up. H2O Plus hand and nail cream ($15/6oz, $2.50 sample), H2O Plus SPA sea lotus body wash (18/12.5 ox, $1.44 sample) and Design Essentials natural curl enhancing mousse ($15.99/7.5 oz, $3.83 sample). I received the mousse a month or two ago in my Beauty Box 5, and it's alright. I have to use it with a combination of products but it does try to keep my hair from going too poofy.

The Cativa precision eye liner ($20) was included. I can't seem to get a really great line with this one around the corners of my eyes, but maybe I'm already getting too wrinkly ;) But the most important and exciting product is the Eslor soothing cream (full size, $65). I had a sample packet of this cream, and it felt amazing one. There is no way I would have bought it at regular price, but I am going to use this!

The total value for my $54 is roughly $98.07 and I got a very expensive product I'm looking forward to using once the reno's are almost done. Note without this cream, the value of the box is $33.07 and for a "summer days" box, there was no SPF products. Odd. Not sure if I'll order another limited edition in the near future, but I'm very happy with this one.

If  you want to check out the subscription from Beauty Box 5 at $12/month plus $3 shipping to Canada, you can do so here.