Thursday, July 24, 2014

Missing Ingredient July Gourmet Food Box Review

I totally forgot I had another missing ingredient box coming! I prepaid for three months when I was informed the kitchen renovation was "just about done". I'm still trying to get back to what feels like me. I used to love to get the Taste of Home Healthy Cooking magazine, and make 1-2 recipes from the new issue. Well, they don't make it anymore, so I thought I would step it up a notch (as I usually had to buy a few new ingredients to make the new recipes) and try the Missing Ingredient food box to help me feel at home in my new place. This is the last box of my three month subscription. 

The box sat on my counter for a few days until I had time to open it. By then I was sweating that nothing was decomposing in it. Luckily not!

These little guys made the box smell amazing. I love that Well Seasoned included a few "core" items. Last month it was a really delicious rice and lentil mix and yummy cinnamon chips. Can't wait to use them.

Looks like some very high quality cous cous. I'm only beginning to learn how to make/use cous cous and I look forward to test this package out. Maybe with a stir-fry!

Yum! Chipotle sauce!

I really like that Missing Ingredient tries to promote Canadian companies, and provides background information. I have been trying to keep an eye out in my local stores for the ones I've liked. 

A jar of olives. Sarcastic yey! I'm alergic to olives, so I'll just give these away to someone not in my family. 

A recipe for the feature ingredient I'm allergic to.

A second recipe for the ingredient I'm allergic to.

A pot scrubber! I think I need a new one! This is the second box where I've gotten a kitchen item. Last month it was brown sugar softeners (which really do work if you read the directions).

A chef's tip for the kitchen. These appear to be hit or miss. 

The full box.

Overall, I think the missing ingredient is a great box. However, it's a really dumb idea to order during a renovation as I've barely had a chance to use anything. The tools I need are in boxes, and for what felt like forever, I only had a toaster. It's also not in my budget. I remember the month I ordered, it was my entire "grocery" line and I went far too hungry. The ingredients are also so new to me, I had to intentionally look for, find and pay for rare/odd/different ingredients to make the meals adding to my costs. Which are very tight right now. If you have the room to splurge, I'd say go for it! would rather can afford to re-read my old taste of home, healthy cooking for inspiration. And I pick recipes ingredients I can digest. ;)

1 month $56.99
3 months $149.97
6 months $281.94
12 months $515.88

 Speaking of digestion, they also make gluten sensitive boxes. :)  

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