While I was in the hospital and the few days before I managed to compose a massive amount of posts ranging from product reviews, to finance goals, plans and thought, to personal posts about what I loved about being pregnant, and what I hated. Maybe the pain medication in labour contributed, maybe fate, but ALL those posts were lost. From a combination of my stubbornness about being hurt they were lost and distraction of a new baby finally coming home after long hospital stay, I choose not to write. Did I mention my computer had slowed to 45 minutes per (very short) post as I literally had to wait seconds for the words I typed to appear on the screen? I think I could also bake cookies while I waited as the temperature of my laptop would go up so high.
I am happy to say that this is my test post, and that my boyfriend is absolutely wonderful for fixing it! .It's old so he was limited in what he could do, but I was going to stick to my budget and not replace it until I felt I had paid off enough debt. Aka, no time soon. It's fantastic to live with someone who has skills! <3
Happy Thanksgiving to my american friends.